Monday 28 January 2013

An introduction

I love photography and anything relating to wildlife, plants and nature. My favourite styles of photograph include landscape and close up/Macro shots. I am not a professional, but if I am proud of a photograph I will post it for the world to see :) I am studying Journalism and would love to get in to travel and wildlife Journalism, writing and taking breathtaking pictures, exploring new cultures and meeting new species of animal. At the moment I am very keen to visit Costa Rica; Big cats, primates and turtles. I did watch a program recently about Costa Rica and big cats. Pumas, Jaguars and Ocelots are most common there. I would also love to take part in wildlife conservation projects, one in particular would be the turtle conservation projects on beaches in Costa Rica or Greece. The only restraint is time and money, I would also love someone to go with and to experience something like that with.

The photographs below have been taken recently after the January snow.. Not the best but still :P

Red berries in the snow

Snow sweeping in on the patio

A snow covered bush

A stream surrounded by snow

The stream in the snow covered park

Snow covered Autumn/winter leaves

Snow covered fence